Showing posts with label #nipclub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #nipclub. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

OTRB Pals Updates

Purrrrr The #nipclub theme this week is A Visit with our Pals at Rainbow Bridge at #NipClub Oct.13th, 2022. We OGs have seen many pals go OTRB. Many of the OGs have also gone OTRB, and some of them still pawty wif us.

I just thought it would be a nice thing to gather photos of a few of my favorite OTRB pals.

Have I missed anybody? Let me know! Tweet their twitter handle, dates, and a clear photo - please, complete ears! - at me!

Thanks to CYMI Technology for the excellent Tweet Intent Generator.
Thanks to How to Create a Photo Gallery in Blogger Blog Pages or Posts.


@danapixie TSK
@indulgedfurries Raven
@nocrybabydogs Daffy
@puppynumber7 Tom
@3phibotticelli Phi
@maggietkat Rudy
@SeattleP Jeego
@sisfurcats Bugs and Chilipepper
@mariapulk Cassie and Spider
@theNascarkitty and @_Bill_the_cat
@whskr Dash
@jessiejaney Jessie
@3phibotticelli Sadie
@indulgedfurries Tilly
@jos_orpin Felix and Jasper
@lilyluwhot Luna
@4catsstrapski Bode
@meowgirls2 Penny
@AngelSaylor0517 and Menifee
@ladygreyfox Obi
@OutwoodsCat Cilla


@petiethecat Mama Louise
@nocrybabydogs Ingrid
@scubafee (@dogstoyevsky)
@toddyfur Kevin
@mariodacat Mary
@jessiejaney Jane
@CathyKeisha Pattie Kleinke

Note to self:
Original edited to 95% <section id="tr-photogallery">
Added for later, 95% 2 column <section id="tr-photogallery2">

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