Thursday, September 19, 2024

OTRB Pals Updates

Purrrrr The #nipclub theme this week is A Visit with our Pals at Rainbow Bridge at #NipClub Oct.13th, 2022. We OGs have seen many pals go OTRB. Many of the OGs have also gone OTRB, and some of them still pawty wif us.

I just thought it would be a nice thing to gather photos of a few of my favorite OTRB pals.

Have I missed anybody? Let me know! Tweet their twitter handle, dates, and a clear photo - please, complete ears! - at me!

Thanks to CYMI Technology for the excellent Tweet Intent Generator.
Thanks to How to Create a Photo Gallery in Blogger Blog Pages or Posts.


@danapixie TSK
@indulgedfurries Raven
@nocrybabydogs Daffy
@puppynumber7 Tom
@3phibotticelli Phi
@maggietkat Rudy
@SeattleP Jeego
@sisfurcats Bugs and Chilipepper
@mariapulk Cassie and Spider
@theNascarkitty and @_Bill_the_cat
@whskr Dash
@jessiejaney Jessie
@3phibotticelli Sadie
@indulgedfurries Tilly
@jos_orpin Felix and Jasper
@lilyluwhot Luna
@4catsstrapski Bode
@meowgirls2 Penny
@AngelSaylor0517 and Menifee
@ladygreyfox Obi
@OutwoodsCat Cilla


@petiethecat Mama Louise
@nocrybabydogs Ingrid
@scubafee (@dogstoyevsky)
@toddyfur Kevin
@mariodacat Mary
@jessiejaney Jane
@CathyKeisha Pattie Kleinke

Note to self:
Original edited to 95% <section id="tr-photogallery">
Added for later, 95% 2 column <section id="tr-photogallery2">


  1. So beautiful, thank you for honouring so many of our pals xxx

    1. Absolutely! And as I combed their accounts for photos I kept finding more! Thanks for visiting.

  2. What wonderful memories, thank you!

  3. Dear ones, thank you ~AngelPandy

    1. We miss you, Angel Pandy. Stop by #Nipclub once in a while. Shall I tell your mom on Facebook when #OwensBlackPaw is sailing?

  4. Thank you so much Mr Breeze for these pictures of our wonderful long time pals from way back to the beginning of our anipal Twitter time. Love all of you a ton! #AngelLeo and MoM

  5. I did comment just a minute ago but I think Nan pushed the wrong button *rolls eyes* It's so wonderful to see our Rainbow Bridge pals, fanks yooo so much Breeze, you are such a thoughtful pal *cheek rubs* I didn't know this week's #nipclub theme was visiting with us RB pals 'else I would've definitely come along to see y'all too! How pawsome <3

    1. #OTRB pals are always welcome at #nipclub! I would love to see more of you, Thomas.

    2. Awww fanks Breeze, such a nice thing to meow *blows smoochies* I wish I could come out to play more often *scowls at Nan* It's so hard to find a good scribe in the colonies, pfftttt

    3. The sun never sets on the British Empire, as they say.


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