Sunday, November 25, 2012

Verifying Bloggy on Pinterest

Purrrr My furends been asking me to join Pinterest. Dis a new site da do in pixchurs what technorati and digg do wif linkys. I guess it for people who can't read?

Anyway, I added my bloggy in da Pinterest settings and it didn't know how to verify blogspot! Using da magic of redirects I convinced blogger to serve a page as da verify page. You can too, and dis how.

Clicky da pixchurs to see dem bigger.

  1. First sign into Pinterest and go to your settings page.
    Fill in your blggy address and click da Verify Website button.
  2. Da next page tells you a file to download, so download it. Mine is pinterest-fd2f5.html.
    Leave da window open because you will come back to it later.
    Pinterest says to upload dat file to your website. We can't do dis on blogger. Oh no!!!!
  3. Don't be sad! We will fool blogger. Open dat html file you downloaded in your favrit text editor, i.e. Notepad. Select all and copy to da blogger page.
  4. Now in blogger create a new page and paste all demz stuff from da html file. Make the title the same as the file name. Publish!
  5. Ok, now is da trick. View dat page you just published. Copy the URL in da browser address bar. Mine is
  6. Now you will go to BLOGGER settings. What you will do is tell blogger to redirect. Dis mean when somebody tries to see a page, you direct dem to another page. And dat page is how Pinterest verifies your bloggy! So go to
    Blogger Dashboard » Settings » Search Preferences » Errors and Redirection » Custom Redirects » Edit.
    When you fill it in, "from" is da name of da page Pinterest expects. "to" is da address of da bloggy page you just published and copied. "Save Changes."
  7. Almost done!!!
    Remember dat Pinterest setting window I told you to leave open? Go back and
    "Click here to complete the process"
    Pinterest should give you a big friendly message.

Purrr If dis works for you, please leave a comment. If not, talk to me on twitter and if I have time I can walk you through it.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Laika, First Dog In Space, 1957

Purrrr Dis da 55th anniversary of da first dog in space, da brave Soviet cosmonaut Laika. Dat Russian for "Barker" cuz she loved to bark and play.

It a sad story. Dey hadz NO IDEA whether anybody could survive G-forces in a rocket leaving earth or if dey couldz live in weightlessness. Some of the hoomans involved was bery depressed when they realized that the program had no way to bring Laika home from space.

Russian scientist Oleg Gazenko selected and trained Laika, who he had rescued from the streets and spoiled as if she were his own dog. It has been reported that Gazenko had fought successfully to have a window installed in Laika's space capsule so he could comfort her during prelaunch; and that after the launch he walked right past the dignitaries who had gathered to honor him, right out into the forest where he cried.
"Work with animals is a source of suffering to all of us. We treat them like babies who cannot speak. The more time passes, the more I’m sorry about it. We shouldn’t have done it. We did not learn enough from the mission to justify the death of the dog."
- Russian scientist Oleg Gazenko, 1998.

Pet Clothing